When is it time to redesign your small business website?
In these articles, we explain why you want to start planning your site refresh. They range from touchy-feely to techy. Let’s jump in.
Choosing A Template On Squarespace
Looking to build a Squarespace website? That’s awesome! Squarespace is one of the easiest to use DIY website programs out there. The one thing that stops a lot of my clients though, is the first step: choosing a template. Please note: you’ll want to have your website planned out as much as possible before even selecting a template.
How To Add or Edit Your Squarespace Website Announcement Bar
Check out this quick video to learn how to edit your Squarespace Announcement Bar. You will learn how to enable and disable this feature as well as change the text and link.
3 Tips Before Hiring Someone To Build Your Website
You’ve decided to take the plunge and get a website. That’s awesome! BUT before you choose your designer, here are 3 things you get to know before-hand!